If you’re looking to buy an energy-efficient tumble dryer, look at the energy efficiency rating. This rating originates from the European Union and is a good way of quickly comparing different machines. The highest rating an appliance could earn was A+++, in line with the ratings for dishwashers and washing machines. However, this has now been changed back to the original A-G format, to prevent confusion. Most products will have the new labels by 2024.
Tumble Dryer Energy Efficiency
Energy labels also give you the average energy usage shown in kWh per year. This measure is a more accurate way of comparing machines than an A to G rating as each letter grade covers several efficiencies. If you know your energy tariffs, you can work out roughly how much the dryer will cost to run.
Types Of Tumble Dryer
There are several types of tumble dryer and are more efficient than others.
- * Heat pump condenser dryers are the most efficient and account for most of the models rated ‘A’ and above.
- * Gas-powered vented tumble dryers have cheaper fuel costs, but the initial price of is often high. Some of the most efficient models cost you as little as £23 to run over a year. Buying a more efficient tumble dryer can save you money over the lifetime of the appliance.
Drum Size
Making sure to buy the right size appliance for goes a long way in helping you improve energy efficiency. If your home generates lots of washing, a smaller appliance may have to run more loads to get through it all. A model with a larger drum capacity could reduce the number of loads needed, saving you money. Similarly, make sure you load the tumble dryer properly before starting a cycle, as you can cut down the number of times it has to run. For added convenience choose a tumble dryer with the same drum capacity as your washing machine so wet laundry can be transferred directly from one to the other.
S&D Ireland –Tumble Dryer Sales and Repairs
S&D Ireland is your local tumble dryer experts: Call us today to find out more about our range of appliances and repair services.
Tumble Dryer Repair Southport 01704 779 123
Tumble Dryer Repair Maghull 0151 601 7150
Tumble Dryer Repair Kirkby 0151 601 7150
Tumble Dryer Repair Crosby 0151 601 7150
Tumble Dryer Repair Ormskirk 01695 768738
Tumble Dryer Repair Formby 01704 779 123